Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
The White House
October 19, 2013
Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible
Republicans came together, the government was reopened, and the threat
of default was removed from our economy.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this
shutdown. But the truth is, there were no winners in this. At a time
when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured
crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth. And it’s
understandable that your frustration with what goes on in Washington
has never been higher.
The way business is done in Washington has to change. Now that these
clouds of crisis and uncertainty have lifted, we need to focus on what
the majority of Americans sent us here to do – grow the economy, create
good jobs, strengthen the middle class, lay the foundation for
broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal house in order for the long
It won’t be easy. But we can make progress. Specifically, there are
three places where I believe that Democrats and Republicans can work
together right away.
First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a
responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our
long-term deficits further. There is no choice between growth and fiscal
responsibility – we need both. So we’re making a serious mistake if a
budget doesn’t focus on what you’re focused on: creating more good jobs
that pay better wages. If we’re going to free up resources for the
things that help us grow – education, infrastructure, research – we
should cut what we don’t need, and close corporate tax loopholes that
don’t help create jobs. This shouldn’t be as difficult as it has been in
past years. Remember, our deficits are shrinking – not growing.
Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration
system. There’s already a broad coalition across America that’s behind
this effort, from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement.
It would grow our economy. It would secure our borders. The Senate has
already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support. Now the House
should, too. The majority of Americans thinks this is the right thing to
do. It can and should get done by the end of this year.
Third, we should pass a farm bill – one that America’s farmers and
ranchers can depend on, one that protects vulnerable children and adults
in times of need, and one that gives rural communities opportunities to
grow and the longer-term certainty they deserve.
We won’t suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of crisis
has passed. But we shouldn’t hold back on places where we do agree, just
because we don’t think it’s good politics, or just because the extremes
in our parties don’t like compromise. I’ll look for willing partners
from either party to get important work done. There’s no good reason why
we can’t govern responsibly, without lurching from manufactured crisis
to manufactured crisis. Because that isn’t governing – it’s just hurting
the people we were sent here to serve.
Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an
obligation to do our job the best we can. We come from different
parties, but we’re Americans first. And our obligations to you must
compel all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to cooperate, and
compromise, and act in the best interests of this country we love.
Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend.
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